Player Configs
1. What is Player Configs?
- This is a page which containing Player Config. User will use it in item
1.1 Direct to page Player Configs
Click on Media on the Left Side Bar.
- Manager/Media
Continue, Click on Player Configs on Side Bar of Media.
- Manager/Media/Player Configs
Click on Button Player Configs to create a new Player Configs.
2. Add new Player Configs
2.1 View of Page of Player Configs
Field | Description | Type |
Player Configs | Click will direct to page add Player Configs | Button |
Search | Search Demand by Name of Player Configs | |
Filter of Type | User can choose type to display list of Player Configs | |
Filter of Status | User can choose active or inactive to display list of Player Configs | |
Filter of Category | User can choose Category to display list of Player Configs | |
Edit | User can click to Edit information of Player Configs | Button |
Delete | User can click to delete Player Configs | Button |
2.2 View of Basic Info of Add New Player Configs
- When click on button New Player Configs will direct to page Add New Player Configs
Field | Description | Type |
Name | Name of Player Configs | String |
Status | User can active or inactive | Boolean |
Required | User can active or inactive | Boolean |
Group | User can choose group | |
Category | Please select type of category | |
Type | User can Choose Text, Select | |
Default Value | Please input default value | String |
Description | User can fill information in this field | String |