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VAST 3.0

1. Version 3.0 of the Video Ad Serving Template (VAST)

Standard, introduced in 2012, marked a significant update with several improvements over its predecessor, VAST 2.0. Here are key points about VAST 3.0:

Support for Multiple Resolutions and Video Sizes:

  • Details: VAST 3.0 provides the ability to support various resolutions and sizes for video content. This flexibility allows advertisers to optimize the viewer experience across diverse devices and platforms.

Enhanced Measurement Capabilities:

  • Details: VAST 3.0 introduces extensions to enhance measurement capabilities, enabling advertisers to gather detailed information about views, interactions, and other performance metrics.

Integration of Time-Based Events:

  • Details: With VAST 3.0, there is the capability to integrate time-based events, allowing advertisers to track viewer interactions over time and adjust their advertising strategies accordingly.

Support for New Ad Formats:

  • Details: VAST 3.0 expands support for new ad formats, including product ads, brand ads, and interactive ads.

Improved Cross-Platform Compatibility:

  • Details: With improvements in cross-platform compatibility, VAST 3.0 ensures that video ads can be played smoothly across various devices and platforms.

Updated Standard for Ad Communication:

  • Details: VAST 3.0 updates the standard for ad communication, providing a more flexible and efficient model for transmitting ad information between advertisers and publishers.

Version 3.0 of VAST represents a significant step in the development of the standard, enhancing flexibility and performance in the distribution of online video advertising.

2. Sample of Vast 3.0

Inline non linear tag

<VAST version="3.0">
    <Ad id="20005">
            <AdSystem version="4.0">iabtechlab</AdSystem>
                NonLinear Image
                <![CDATA[VAST 3.0 sample tag for Non Linear ad (i.e Overlay ad). Change the StaticResources to have a tag with your own content. Change NonLinear tag's parameters accordingly to view desired results. ]]>
            <Pricing model="cpm" currency="USD">
                <![CDATA[ 25.00 ]]>
            <Impression id="Impression-ID">

                <Creative id="5480" sequence="1">
                        <NonLinear width="480" height="150" minSuggestedDuration="00:00:05" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
                            <StaticResource creativeType="image/png">


                <Extension type="iab-Count">
                        <![CDATA[ 2 ]]>